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MIT CISR 2020 Research Projects

Value Creation and Value Capture in Digital Models

Digital Value

Companies with effective digital partnering grow significantly faster than their industry average. Our analysis from the 2019 MIT CISR survey, however, shows that the average company is only moderately successful in creating value for their customers with partners and less effective in capturing that value in terms of tangible results like revenue growth. In 2020, we will examine successful strategies for both creating and capturing value in digital partnering and digital models in general. Our research questions are:

  • How do companies successfully create value and then capture the value in digital partnering by increasing reach, range, and both?
  • What are the key capabilities for first creating and then capturing value?
  • How do successful value creation and value capture differ based on business models and progress in digital transformation?
  • What is the role of the CIO in driving value creation and value capture in digital models?

Methodology: Survey analysis and interviews for case vignettes.

Seeking: Companies that are successful at creating and capturing value with partners and in different business models.

Contact: Ina Sebastian


Ina M. Sebastian, Research Scientist

Ina studies how large enterprises transform for success in the digital economy. Her current research areas are digital partnering—including strategies to grow with digital partners and partnering strength—and value creation and value capture in digital models.

Peter Weill, Chairman and Senior Research Scientist

Peter’s work centers on the role, value, and governance of digitization in enterprises and their ecosystems. Peter’s current responsibilities include the globalization of MIT CISR’s research and sponsorship base and engagement with senior executive teams.

Stephanie L. Woerner, Director and Principal Research Scientist

Stephanie’s work focuses on how enterprises use technology and data to create more effective business models and how they manage the associated organizational change. She has a passion for measuring hard-to-assess digital factors and linking them to firm performance.

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